Horarios cursos pedagogicos comparendos bogota para

), or directly from Italian parapetto, from para- "defense" (see para- (2)) petto "breast," from Latin pectus (see pectoral (adj. " Meanings "a comparison made by placing things side by side" and "thing equal to or resembling another in all particulars" are from 1590s.

"partial or incomplete paralysis," as that affecting motion but not sensation, 1690s, Modern Latin, from Greek paresis "slackening of strength, paralysis," literally "a letting go," from stem of parienai "to let go," from para- (see para- (1)) hienai "to send, throw" (from PIE root ye- "to throw, impel"). "apparent displacement of an object observed, due to an actual displacement of the observer," 1570s, from French parallaxe (mid-16c.

"surgical perforation of a cavity of the body for the purpose of evacuation of effused fluid," 1590s, from the medical Latin form of Greek parakentēsis "perforation," from parakentein "to tap," literally "to pierce at the side," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) kentein "to prick, stab" (see center (n. ), from Greek parallaxis "change, alteration, inclination of two lines meeting at an angle," from parallassein "to alter, make things alternate," from para- (see para- (1)) allassein "to change," from allos "other" (from PIE root al- "beyond"). "the placing of clauses one after another without connecting words to indicate their relation," 1838, from Greek parataxis "a placing side by side, a placing in line of battle," from stem of paratassein "to place side by side," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) tassein "to arrange" (see tactics).

"cognate word, a word which is derivative from another or from the same third word," 1846, from Greek paronymos, "formed by a slight change," from para- (see para- (1)) onyma "name" (from PIE root no-men- "name"). "involving the introduction of a substance into the body other than by the alimentary tract," 1905, from para- (1) Greek enteron "intestine" (see enteric). ) and directly from Latin parallelus, from Greek parallēlos "parallel," from para allēlois "beside one another," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) allēlois "each other," from allos "other" (from PIE root al- "beyond").

"light, portable screen or canopy carried to shield from the sun," 1610s, from French parasol (1570s), from Italian parasole, literally "protection from the sun," from para- "defense against" (see para- (2)) sole "sun," from Latin solem (nominative sol.

"medicine that soothes pain," 1704, from adjective (1680s) "assuaging pain, soothing," from Late Latin paregoricus, from Greek paregorikos "soothing, encouraging, consoling," from paregorein "speak soothingly to," from paregoros "consoling," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) root of agoreuein "speak in public," from agora "public assembly," from PIE root ger- "to gather.

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