Artigo 187 - CPC / 2015 - Modelo Inicial
If an easement coincides with another easement or another right of use of the plot of land in such a way that the rights cannot concurrently be exercised or fully exercised, and if the rights are of the same priority, each person entitled may require arrangements for the use that observe the interests of all persons entitled as appears just. (2) The payers payment service provider is not entitled to refuse to execute an authorised payment order if the execution conditions set out in the framework contract on payment services are met and execution does not violate any other legal provisions. Pargrafo nico. Ao terceiro, em favor de quem se estipulou a obrigao, tambm permitido exigi-la, ficando, todavia, sujeito s condies e normas do contrato, se a ele anuir, e o estipulante no o inovar nos termos do art. 438.
Apresentando: Jesus Cristo - O Filho de Deus - é Salvador e é Senhor - I - sejam indicadas a data e a hora da sesso em seguimento, que no poder ultrapassar 60 (sessenta) dias, e identificadas as deliberaes pretendidas, em razo do qurum especial no atingido; (Includo pela Lei n , de 2022)
A anistia, quando no concedida em carter geral, efetivada, em cada caso, por despacho da autoridade administrativa, em requerimento com a qual o interessado faa prova do preenchimento das condies e do cumprimento dos requisitos previstos em lei para sua concesso. If the obligor breaches a duty under section241 (2), the obligee may, if the requirements of section280 (1) are satisfied, demand damages in lieu of performance, if he can no longer reasonably be expected to accept performance by the obligor. (1) By means of a farm lease, a plot of land with the residential and utility buildings (business) that serve its cultivation, or a plot of land without such buildings, is leased largely for agriculture. Agriculture means the cultivation of the soil and the livestock breeding associated with the use of the soil in order to produce plant or animal products, and horticultural production. Documentation is to be provided on request. Each spouse may require that he be involved in the drawing up of the list to be submitted to him under section260 and that the value of the assets and the liabilities is determined.
He may also demand that the list be drawn up at his cost by the competent authority or by a responsible official or notary. (1) The guardian may, instead of depositing the bearer instruments under section1814, have their registration changed to the name of the ward, subject to the condition that he may dispose of them only with the approval of the family court. If the instruments are issued by the Federal Government or a Land, he may have them converted, subject to the same condition, into Debt Register claims against the Federal Government or the Land. 2. to avert the threat of substantialdamage to health, an examination of the state of health of the person under custodianship, therapeutic treatment or an operation is necessary without which the accommodation of the person under custodianship cannot be carried out and the person under custodianship, by reason of a mental illness or mental or psychological handicap, cannot recognise the necessity of the accommodation or cannot act in accordance with this realisation.
(1) The grantor may, if a claim that arose before the grant is due, require the usufructuary to return the objects necessary to satisfy the creditor. He has the right of selection; however, he may select only the objects that are primarily suitable. To the extent that the objects returned are sufficient, the grantor is obliged in relation to the usufructuary to satisfy the creditor. (3) For a deviation from the instructions made by a third party at the time of a disposition inter vivos, the approval of the third party, during his lifetime, is necessary and sufficient. The approval of the third party may be substituted by the family court if the third party is permanently unable to make a declaration or the abode of the third party is permanently unknown. Art. . Constitudo o usufruto em favor de duas ou mais pessoas, extinguir-se- a parte em relao a cada uma das que falecerem, salvo se, por estipulao expressa, o quinho desses couber ao sobrevivente. (1) If the owner or a third party influences the plot of land in such a way that a deterioration of the plot of land that endangers the security of the mortgage is to be feared, the creditor may seek a prohibitory injunction.
A person who, for the purpose of self-help, removes, destroys or damages a thing, or a person who, for the purpose of self-help, arrests an obliged person who is suspected of flight, or overcomes the resistance to an act of an obliged person who has a duty to tolerate that act, does not act unlawfully if help cannot be obtained from the authorities in good time and there is a danger, without immediate intervention, that the realisation of the claim will be prevented or be considerably more difficult. For each parent who does not have parental custody and with whom the child resides with the consent of the other parent or of another person with parental custody or on the basis of a court decision, section1687 (1) sentences 4 and 5 and (2) apply with the necessary modifications. (2) If the obligee may demand damages in lieu of performance, then, if he exercises the right stipulated in subsection(1) above, the damages are reduced by the value of the reimbursement or the claim to reimbursement he has obtained. If a thing is sold in exercise of a security right at a public auction in which it is described as a pledge, the buyer only has rights in respect of a defect if the seller fraudulently concealed the defect or gave a guarantee of the quality of the thing.
I - as que se formarem no meio do rio consideram-se acrscimos sobrevindos aos terrenos ribeirinhos fronteiros de ambas as margens, na proporo de suas testadas, at a linha que dividir o lveo em duas partes iguais; (1) A person who is obliged to perform in advance under a reciprocal contract may refuse to render his performance if, after the contract is entered into, it becomes apparent that his entitlement to consideration is jeopardised by the inability to perform of the other party. The right to refuse performance is not applicable if consideration is rendered or security is given for it. (4) A social and family relationship under subsections(2) and (3) exists if the father, in the meaning of subsection(1) no. 1, has or had actual responsibility for the child at the relevant point of time. There is as a rule an assumption of actual responsibility if the father in the meaning of subsection(1) no. 1 is married to the mother of the child or lived together with the child for a long period in domestic community. Art. 182.
Artigo 187 codigo civil - The adoption may not be pronounced if overriding interests of the children of the adoptive parent or of the child to be adopted prevent it or if it is to be feared that interests of the child to be adopted are endangered by children of the adoptive parent. Property interests should not be decisive.
(2) The possession obtained as a result of unlawful interference is defective. The successor in possession must allow the defectiveness to be asserted against him if he is the heir of the possessor or he knows when he acquires possession that the possession of his predecessor was defective. If a money debt is payable in a specific denomination of coin which is no longer in circulation at the time of payment, payment is to be made in the same way as if the denomination of coin were not specified. Não enxergo a possibilidade de haver dúvida de que não será considerada em situação de "premente necessidade", para configuração da lesão, a empresa que apresente dificuldades econômico-financeiras advindas de imprevisibilidades danosas de conjuntura macroeconômica ou até de má condução dos negócios por parte do administrador e que celebre negócio de alto risco ou alto custo, voluntariamente, na busca da implementação de uma estratégia para viabilidade da continuação da atividade. Da mesma maneira que ninguém contesta, até porque a racionalidade é óbvia, o fato de o preço do crédito, quando concedido, para empresas em situação econômica deficitária ser maior do que aquele liberado para investimento em novos projetos de empresas plenamente saudáveis.